
9th Beach Grass competition Details

● Date : March 26th (Sun)
● Time : 13 to 14 o’clock
● Location : Outside of Kumazawa Liquor, where Uminowa vol.3. Is taking place.
● Fee : Free
● What to bring : One special rare beach grass.

Uminowa vol.3 Details

On March 26th, 2017 at Kumazawa Liquor in Chigasaki Uminowa vol.3 will be held. (at the Outside and the basement of Mokichi wurst.

Portable trash bag called “My Little Pocket”

This MLP is now 1.2 yrs old, as it was made in Jan. of 2016. Does everyone have it in hand??Since I am living in Izu and mostly move around by K-truck, it’s kind of difficult to fully utilize the MLP, but when I go to Tokyo or Shonan area and move on foot/train, it just boosts its power.

Mr Tachikawa’s art exhibit

My BeachMoney friend Mr Tachikawa at LCF is going to have an exhibit in Yuigahama, Kamakura. He is a professional jewelry artist who loves the ocean and supports BeachMoney in many ways. His art work has been presented to the winner of our beach glass contest many times, and you will find more of his beach glass arts at the exhibit.

A fisherman joined BeachMoney!

Mr. Hirayama, a local fisherman in Minami Izu town joined BeachMoney and started supporting the MyLittlePocket program. At Daigo Maru if you bring a piece of beach glass (Any color is accepted. The piece needs to be well rounded and bigger than a circle of 3cm diameter.) which you find during your beach clean up, you will get a freshly caught fish for exchange.

About the 3rd annual Uminowa Festival

As we already posted it in BeachMoney Guide 2016, the 3rd annual Uminowa Festival will be held at Kumazawa Shuzo on March 26, 2017. Uminowa is the beach glass oriented arts&crafts festival for all ages and genders, which is dedicated to increasing the understanding of the ocean.


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