
BeachMoney was on a TV program called “EARTH Lab” (TBS)

TBS program “Earth Lab” focused on BeachMoney on this Saturday, Dec 24th, 2016. The TV crew joined us at the Enoshima Aquarium beach clean up and the 8th beach glass contest on Nov 20th as we mentioned in the previous post.

Photo shooting the beach glass contest winner

I have been holding this winner piece of the beach glass contest and thinking about the best way to photograph it, and all of a sudden I came up with an idea.


On this Christmas Eve night I will be in the TV program called “EARTH Lab “on BS TBS (Start at 11:24pm, Saturday on December 24th on air).

Beach Cleanup with Minami-Izu town officials

BeachMoney started being recognized by many people in Minami Izu area. The other day I had a chance to talk about BeachMoney with young city officials while we were doing beach clean up at Ounohama beach. We also talked about the future of our town and I suggested that we should be more appealing how good we take care of our nature.

Beach Glass in Israel!

My friend Mr. Nishikawa found beach glasses in Israel and send this picture to me.

Students’ BeachMoney presentation at Higashi Elementary School

I went to see a classroom presentation at Higashi Elementary School in Minami Izu. A couple months ago the 3rd grade students (25 total) joined my 2-day BeachMoney workshop and that experience became their presentation topic this time.

BeachMoney workshop at Akehama elementary school

It was a great surprise that I was having a BeachMoney workshop in my hometown, Yokosuka! I stayed over at my parents house and went to Akehama elementary school with my moms drive. The school is located right next to Kurihama library which I used to go studying in my high school days.


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