Tanegashima island-Kagoshima

Turtle Crew Tamateba-Kobo(Cream Puff shop)

Address / 306-1 Tashima, Nakatane-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima (former Nankai middle school site)
Phone / +81-997-27-8110
URL / http://www.turtle-crew.com/

Turtle crew is also hosting a Non Profit Organization called Turtle Crew that raises awareness of the marine environment through workshops and activities focusing on sea turtles.

<< Beach Money Shops

South Boarder Tanegashima/Ohisama Coffee(Surf shop & cafe)

Address / 607-3 Kukinaga, Minamitane-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima
Phone / +81-997-26-7811
URL / http://sb.41site.net/

We are excited about making something fun with the collected beach glass.

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