
GO MAKAHA HAWAII (Nature Guide )

Address / 84-650 Widemann St, Makaha Hawaii 96729
Phone / 808-722-2340
URL / http://www.gomakaha.com/

Come join us our local Hawaiian style guide tour in Makaha, Westside Oahu. Once you paddle out the ocean you may encounter the wild dolphins and turtles. Our local Hawaiian guides will share the Hawaiian history and culture with you on your tour. We offer many wonderful opportunities such as kayaking, outrigger canoeing, surfing, stand up paddling, snorkeling, and fishing.

<< Beach Money Shops

Dog Salon Kahala(Dog grooming salon)

Address / 4819 Kilauea Ave #1 Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
Phone / +1-808-729-5122
URL / http://www.aloha-dog.com/

I have been collecting shells and beach glass on my own, and the local bakery shop, Muginami Bakery, told us about BEACHMONEY. I would love to make artwork or something with the glass pieces the customers bring to us.

<< Beach Money Shops


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